I wouldn’t describe myself as a ‘scopophiliac’, but like most people I take a lot of pleasure in looking - arguably too much pleasure.  My practice is forged from a deep curiosity within me, and a questioning of the assumption that, as a woman, my whole perception of sexuality and the erotic can merely be a product of a patriarchal society. Like many other women, I believe that my instinctual wants and desires are much more than that, and this is underrepresented.

’NEW EROTICA’ is a body of work aimed at addressing the complicated relationship between desire, narcissism and arousal. It is an exploration of female representation and sexuality, an infusion of the traditional with the contemporary, as both an inclusion and subversion of societal norms.  My pictures are images of womxn, for womxn, by a womxn.  Essentially the project combines everything I know about erotic imagery, mixes it all together, and squeezes out a paste resembling my own perception of female sexuality. My work intends to spark the beginning of a dialogue in which female sexuality can be discussed in a more productive and progressive way.
